As a leader, Shaka’s bonus Amabutho makes a significant difference. If you want to blitz your enemies out of existence, there’s no better choice than the fabled Shaka Zulu, introduced in the Rise and Fall Expansion. Reyna - Main ability swapped places with Forestry Management, gold abilities made easier to access, and right promotion path emphasizes development of new cities.Īlso, the City Park improvement is now available to everyone once they research Humanism. In the upper left top line of the UI is a place that you can click on to call up a list of all of your governors and manage them (reassign or promote). Best Leader for Domination Victory in Civ 6: Shaka Zulu (Rise and Fall) Shaka Zulu is the best leader for Domination Victory. Replacement abilities focus more on science and Great People. Liang - Reinforced Materials moved to level 1, and two abilities were completely reworked to emphasize construction of infrastructure and Wonders. Magnus - Provision replaced with a new promotion for being too powerful, Black Marketeer replaced for being too situational. Left side of the promotion tree grants extra Culture.
New promotion that lets you buy Builders with Faith. Divine Architect moved from level 3 to level 2. Moksha - Laying on of Hands moved from Level 1 to Level 2. Victor - Most useful defensive abilities unlock sooner, and he can now help with counter-spying.Īmani - Left promotion path specializes in Loyalty interactions, and she can now provide Diplomatic Favor. (2 turns for Victor.) It also alters the promotions and abilities of all the Governors:
This mod improves Governors by reducing the time it takes them to establish in a city to 3 turns. Rather than put all of them into one hefty package, I've split them into small fragments to allow you to make your own custom rulesets.
EpsTweak is a series of small mods that tweak the balance of Civ 6.